Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHAREDG LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo Eudora Light 1.5.4F Qualcomma Eudoraa 1.5.4a Eudora.exe Welcome to the %s Setup program. This program will install Version %s of %s.b) Welcomeb setup.ini Optionsa ExeDirR Eudora Setup will intall %s %s in the following directory. To install %s in this directory press Next. To install %s in a different directory, click Browse and select another directory You can choose not to install %s by clicking Cancel to exit Setup.b( Setup will intall %s %s locally so that it can be run from a network drive. To install %s so that it runs from this network directory press Next. To install %s so that it runs from a different network directory, click Browse and select another directory. You can choose not to install %s by clicking Cancel to exit Setup.b( eudora.exe Attach Optionsa AskForOptionalDirs24 Optionsa LocalDriveInstall2/ Optionsa MailDirR# Optionsa AttachDirR$ Setup will create the %s mail and attachment directories shown below. b( You can edit the Mail and Attachments fields to select different directories. Default Directoriesb Mail:a Attachments:R# Installation Options Please choose the version of %s you want to install.b( Once you have selected the options you wish to install, press the Next button to complete the installation. Install Options( WSOCK32.DLL! Setup has detected that your TCP/IP stack only works with 16 bit applications. aX Therefore, it is highly recommended that you install the 16 bit version of Eudora Pro. $ If you do not install the 16 bit version of Eudora Pro you will be forced $ to upgrade your TCP/IP software before Eudora will work properly. %s for Windows 3.x (16 Bit)b( %s for Win95 and NT (32 bit) [Recommended]b( WSOCK32.DLL %s for Windows 3.x (16 Bit) [Recommended]b( %s for Win95 and NT (32 bit)b( Are you sure? You have chosen to install the 32 bit version of %s. Your TCP/IP software, however, does not support 32 bit applications. This means that %s WILL NOT work. To continue installing the 32 bit version of %s, choose YES. To go back to the previous screen and change your selection, choose NO. Setup has enough information to begin the file-transfer operation. If you want to review or change any of the settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files. Setup Type:A Installation of 16 bit version.A Installation of 32 bit version.A Destination DirectoryA Network Installation to Local Drive.A Eudora Pro Application DirectoryA b Mail DirectoryA b# Attachment DirectoryA b$ Start Copying Filesb There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk General Copying program files...! Optionsa DontInstallScripts24 Scripts *.*B= CUSTOM.NAVR CUSTOM.MIDR CUSTOM.MODR Scripts\ Scripts Scripts\ CUSTOM.NAVR CUSTOM.NAVa CUSTOM.NAV! File copy Error: %d during CUSTOM.NAVB4 CUSTOM.MIDR CUSTOM.MIDa CUSTOM.MID! File copy Error: %d during CUSTOM.MIDB4 CUSTOM.MODR CUSTOM.MODa CUSTOM.MOD! File copy Error: %d during CUSTOM.MODB4 DEUDORA.INIR DEUDORA.INIa DEUDORA.INI! File copy Error: %d during DEUDORA.INIB4 EUDORA.INIR EUDORA.INIa EUDORA.INI! File copy Error: %d during EUDORA.INIB4 EudoraLightA Eudora Light Version 1.5.4 UNINST16.EXE UNINST.EXE Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a EudoraLight Unable to Create uninstall MAPI keyA Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a EudoraLightR UninstallString27 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a EudoraLightQ UninstallStringA Preparing to copy program files...# Cannot create directory: b# Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Related File: $ Cannot create directory: b$ Attach# EUDORA.INI% Settingsa AutoReceiveAttachmentsa EUDORA.INI% Settingsa AutoReceiveAttachmentsDirectoryb$ WEUDORA.EXER WEUDORA.EXEa WEUDEXE.OLD! File rename Error: %d during WEUDORA.EXEB4 WEUDORA.HLPR WEUDORA.HLPa WEUDHLP.OLD! File rename Error: %d during WEUDORA.EXEB4 Creating Program Folder and Icons.... Creating Program Folder and Icons.... Eudora Light< EUDORA.EXE Eudora Lightb EUDORA.HLP On-Line Helpb WINHELP.EXEa On-Line Helpb. README.TXT NOTEPAD.EXE b Readme b- Uninstall Eudorab% Addenduma ADDENDUM.EXEb Eudora Lightb SendTo: Eudora Lightb \Eudora\DefaultIconP \Eudoraa Failed to key for default icon.A Failed to key for default icon.A EUDORA.EXEQ Failed to set key for default iconA Software\Qualcomm\Eudora\CommandLine\currentP EUDORA.EXE $ EUDORA.INI$ Failed to set key for command line in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.A mailto\shell\open\commandP EUDORA.EXE$ /m %1Q Failed to set mailto key in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.A Software\Qualcomm\Eudora\CommandLineP Failed to create key for command line in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.A EUDORA.EXE $ EUDORA.INI$ currentA Failed to set key for command line in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.A Installation complete.& WEUDORA.EXE and WEUDORA.HLP have been renamed to WEUDEXE.OLD and WEUDHLP.OLD. Any old program icons or shortcuts that reference these files will not work. WEUDORA.EXE has been renamed to WEUDEXE.OLD Your old program icon or shortcut for this file will no longer work. WEUDORA.HLP has been renamed to WEUDHLP.OLD. Your old program icon or shortcut for this file will no longer work. Setup failed. The Eudora application was not copied to your target directory.A Setup is complete. Do you want to view the README file now?A README.TXT3 NOTEPAD.EXEb- Installing a Eudora Light SetupA This program requires VGA or better resolution.A Versiona Version28 Couldn't get Version value for SETUP.INIA Unable to allocate the memory required to complete the copy file process. Terminate as many running applications as possible to free memory., Not enough disk space on the target drive to copy the files. Free disk space on the target drive., Unable to open the input file in the SRCDIR system variable. Make sure the source file is a valid filename and that both the source file and target directory exist., Unable to copy the requested file., The file in TARGETDIR is read-only. Remove the read-only attribute from the target file and try again., edit( SETUPSTR862R- Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb. _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A 3.00.061